
Hotline: 13322237070


ADD:60# Black B,Taiyang Yuanbao industrial area,Wafangdian city,Liaoning province,China




ABOUTUSLocation : home - ABOUTUS

wafangdian bearing distribution and manufactury conpany ,short for zws ,was initially estabished in 1992.

otherwise,ou company can many produce steel,forging and all kinds of bearings , ouir company can manufacturye various types ,3 precisions,over700 specifications of rolling bearings with inside diameter over 2mm and outside diameter under 3500mm.our production includes deep grove ball bearings angular contact ballings,cylindrical roller bearings centripetal force bearings,single -row four points touching ball bearings double=row different row ball bearings.single-row crossed cylinder roller bearings triple cylinder roller complex bearings , joint bearings,sectional bearings,non-stander bearings and some newly special structor developed ones.

quality system:1.EQAcertification.iso 9001:2000.2 NQAcertifition.iso9001:wafangdian bearing distribution and manufactury company ,sort for ZWS ,was initially estabilished in 1992.

otherwise our company can mainly produce steel ,forging and all kinds of bearings. our company can manufacture various types,3 precisions,over 700 specifications of rolling  with inside diameter over 20mm adn outside dianeter under 3500mm.our production includes deep groove ball bearingg,angular contact ball bearings ,cylindrical roller bearing, spherical roller bearings,centripetal force bearings,single-row four points touching ball bearings,double-row different row ball bearings,single-row crossed cylinder roller bearings triple cylinder roller compex bearings sectional bearings,non-standard bearings and some newly special structure developed ones.

qualitty system:1.EQA certification.iso 9001:2000.2 NQA certification .iso 9001: